Exercise for Hair Growth with Pictures: Your hair is part of your personality, so, it is your responsibility to care it gently.
But the point here is how to care for hair even if you are busy with your routine work.
Many people know that lack of exercise leads to obesity and lifestyle-related diseases, but at the same time it also affects hair.
The trouble with hair comes out when metabolism goes down without moving the body.
Good blood circulation to the scalp is important for the beautiful and healthy growth of hair.
If the blood circulates well and the nutrients carried to the scalp reach well, the hair will not become thin and hair loss and breakage can be prevented.
Here, we are sharing 5 simple and best exercises for hair growth with pictures.
1. Walking
Fast walking allows you to sweat it out, which might actually be a good thing since sweat opens up the pores in your scalp.
It helps to flush out all the toxins that are harmful to the hair.
Cardio exercises such as walking, jogging can help to increase blood circulation to the scalp.
This blood flow promotes healthy growth of the hair.
It is recommended to do fast walking or jogging or any other cardio exercises for at least half an hour every day in order to reap the excellent benefits that come with this exercise.

1. Breathing exercise
Yes, you heard it right. Breathing exercises can also help you to get smooth and healthy hair.
Kapalbhati pranayama helps to oxygenate your body while strengthening the muscles of your stomach and abdomen at the same time.
It can give the scalp all the oxygen that is needed to rejuvenate your damaged hair and also help new hair to grow.
This exercise is good for hair fall due to stress.

2. Lifting your legs
Lifting up your legs in the air and holding it there regulates the working of the thyroid gland and provides the head with a good supply of blood.
This exercise is best for people who are affected by hair fall and baldness due to hormonal imbalance.

3. Neck exercise
Moving your head and neck side to side, as well as front and back may encourage hair growth. Stretching the neck muscles can control hair fall.
It help hair growth by releasing any trapped tension and stress in the surrounding muscles.
As blood circulation improves in these areas, it works to boost hair growth and fights any damage caused to the hair.

4. Nail Rubbing
It is effective in preventing hair fall. The reason for rubbing only nails and not the thumb is that rubbing the thumbs may cause the hair on the face to grow instead of the hair on the head.
The time and frequency of rubbing do not matter at all, so, it is okay to do it to your heart’s content.
Rubbing nails yoga for hair growth stimulates specific nerve endings under the nails, which commands the brain to restore dead or inactive hair sac to adult stem cells.
Rubbing the nails also increases blood circulation to the scalp and strengthens the hair follicles, gradually preventing hair loss and grey hair.