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What food to eat to reduce hair fall

Hair grows as cells divide repeatedly. It is important to be aware of what food to eat to reduce hair fall.

To do this, you need to get the nutrients to your scalp, and because of the nutrients are carried by the blood, poor circulation; it can lead to a lack of nutrients.

The foods that have a positive effect on hair and help to improve hair loss, and whether the blood that delivers them is flowing properly.

Nutrients required for hair growth

I hear that seaweed such as wakame seaweed and kelp are good for hair, but this alone cannot be expected to improve hair loss.

To grow your hair, actively incorporate a balanced diet, especially the nutrition needed for women’s hair, should be into her diet.

99% of the components of hair are made of protein. If it is insufficient, the hair may become thin. Typical foods that are high in protein, which are “natto,” “eggs,” and “milk. “

There is an important role of Zinc for improving metabolism and is a required nutrient for reducing hair fall and improving hair growth.

It also essential for shaping cuticles that preserve the hair, and it becomes strong hair. Oysters are symbolic of foods that are high in zinc.

If you eat too much food, it will cause hair loss, so eat a proper amount to take measures.

Then, vitamin E may reduce the cause of hair loss smooth the secretion of female hormones for us too.

It also improves blood flow to cells and promotes blood circulation in the scalp. Ingredients rich in vitamin E include “spinach,” “carrots,” and “shiitake mushrooms.”

These foods are good for your hair, but not overeating. In particular, if you consume too much animal protein.

it will add fat to the internal organs and will also put a strain on digestion.

Prevent hair loss from improving

On the other hand, the food (drink) that adversely affects hair loss is alcohol.

Alcohol uses energy for the liver to break down alcohol and steals the ingredients that it should use for the scalp.

By the way, taking too much salt will put a strain on your liver, so please be careful about seasonings.

I also want to refrain from spicy foods, stimulants, instant foods, and fast food. Too much sebum is secreted, blocking the pores and causing the scalp to become inflamed.

It also increases cholesterol and may impair blood circulation, which hinders the improvement of hair loss.

Use of supplements and review of lifestyle

If it is difficult to supplement nutrition with your daily diet like this, take it efficiently with supplements.

In addition to “protein”, “zinc” and “vitamin E”, please choose “isoflavone“, “amino acid” and versatile “multivitamin” as well as foods that are said to be good for women’s hair.

In addition to reviewing lifestyle habits such as eating and sleeping, please be aware that you should actively incorporate measures.

It can improve hair loss in your daily life, such as making time for massage and relaxation.

What makes the body is the nutrients that we get from food.

Even those with a high level of health consciousness who care about what they usually eat, such as natto and shichimi pepper.

It may not be conscious of nutrients that are good for their hair. Hair, like the body, is made from food nutrients.

However, in the case of men’s thinning hair “AGA” and women’s thinning hair “FAGA”, even if they actively eat foods that are considered to be good for hair health, the thinning hair is not directly eliminated.

However, if there are people with thin hair in the family, it is said that many people are genetically vulnerable to the factory.

In other words, thinning hair is not improved by taking only “materials that make hair” for hair growth.

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